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Tomahawk Steak

To celebrate Father’s Day, our friends at Honeywell’s have shared their special recipe for the perfect Tomahawk Steak. Known as the King of Steaks, you’ll make his day by serving up this show-stopping meat feast. Find all the products in our Farm Shop.

How to cook the perfect Tomahawk Steak:

A good, non-stick frying pan
1 x Tomahawk Steak
1 tablespoon olive oil
A couple of large knobs of butter
A few sprigs of thyme
4 x garlic cloves, unpeeled but lightly crushed
Salt and pepper to season


Leave your steaks out of the fridge, unwrapped, on a plate for at least 20 minutes.

Set a heavy based griddle or frying pan onto a medium/high heat and add the oil along with the garlic cloves and thyme sprigs.

Season the steaks well with salt and pepper and add to the pan. Leave for 5-6 minutes, add the butter and turn the steaks, leave for a further 5-6 minutes, basting the steak with the foaming butter. We recommend using an internal meat thermometer probe for best results. For medium rare you’ll want the core temperature to reach 52°c. If you don’t have a meat thermometer you can check by pressing the centre of the steak with your thumb, it should have a slight spring to it.

Remove from the pan and leave to rest for half the cooking time to allow the juices to reabsorb and the meat to relax.

Plate up with your favourite sides and a good glass of red!

Recipe courtesy of Honeywell’s Farm Shop