Open Today:
9am – 5:30pm

Slow Roast Shoulder of Lamb

Beautifully succulent lamb cooked with vegetables is a real crowd pleaser.

1.8kg lean whole shoulder of lamb
For the Herb Butter:
50g unsalted butter
3 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped or crushed
3 tablespoons freshly chopped rosemary leaves
For the Vegetables:
5 small red onions, peeled and cut into wedges
4 celery sticks, roughly chopped
600ml good, hot lamb stock
One large butternut squash, peeled, deseeded and roughly chopped.

Preheat the oven to 170°C,150°C Fan, Gas Mark 3.
Prepare the herb butter; in a small bowl mix all the ingredients together.
Put the onions and celery in the base of a 2.8L flame/heatproof dish or roasting tin.
Put the lamb on a chopping board and lightly score the surface with a sharp knife.
Spread the herb butter over the joint and place on top of the vegetables, pour over the stock, cover with foil and transfer to the oven for 3½ hours. Remove the foil, add the butternut squash, return to the oven and continue to cook for a further 30 minutes.
Transfer the lamb and vegetables to a large platter and keep warm. Skim the fat from the dish leaving behind the meat juices.
Serve the lamb with the vegetables, meat juices and creamy mash.

Recipe courtesy of Simply Beef & Lamb