Open Today:
10:30am – 4:30pm

Recycling Christmas Trees

We are launching a new eco-friendly initiative in 2023 to encourage more people to recycle their Christmas trees. Drop your real trees off with us and we will donate them to the Fylde Sand Dune Project, a scheme dedicated to making Lancashire a better place for local wildlife and residents. The trees will be used to provide improved coastal defences against the sand and sea. As the branches and pines trap sand particles they help to build new dunes that will benefit the local environment. Anyone wanting to recycle their tree should report to Barton Grange reception and one of our team will direct you where to leave your tree.

Drop off times: Saturday 27th December 2023 – Sunday 31st December: 10.30am to 4.30pm
Tuesday 2nd January – Friday 5th January 2024: 9am to 5.30pm

Find out more about the Fylde Sand Dunes Project here.