Open Today:
10:30am – 4:30pm

Single Stream Recylcing

In both The Riverside Café and Willows Restaurant, we love to create dishes using produce sourced from our local suppliers.

As seen on the map below, many of our local ingredients suppliers are located within a short distance of our garden centre to reduce product miles and support local businesses in our area.

Local Ingredients Suppliers Include:

We are proud to create dishes using produce sourced from our local suppliers. Like us, they are family-run businesses build on pride, passion and expertise. 

Founded by brothers John and Anthony Gornall in 1970, Honeywell’s is a family-run butchers that takes pride in supporting the local farming community to bring you the finest quality products.

Based in Longridge, this thriving business supplies quality fresh foods to the catering industry. Set up in 1964 by their father David Coulston, brothers’ Roger and Richard now head the team.

With a wealth of experience, the Port of Lancaster Smokehouse uses traditional methods to produce its award-winning smoked foods. The third-generation family firm is based in Glasson Dock.

Established in 1856 by Thomas Altham when he opened the family’s first shop on Queen Street in Morecambe, Althams is one of the oldest and largest family-owned butchers in the country.

The Gornall family began selling milk from the back of a horse-drawn cart in the early 1900s. Today, the Goosnargh firm remains just as committed to supplying the freshest dairy products.

With a wealth of experience, the Port of Lancaster Smokehouse uses traditional methods to produce its award-winning smoked foods. The third-generation family firm is based in Glasson Dock.

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