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Karen's Homemade Burgers

Think making your own burgers sounds a bit too much like hard work? This recipe will convince you otherwise. Not only are they super simple to make, they taste much better than supermarket burgers. You can add more or less spice, depending on how hot you like it!

Serves 4

Knob of butter

1 onion finely chopped

400g minced beef (preferably outdoor bred)

1 tbsp Karen’s Spicy Marinade (sold in Barton Grange Farm Shop)

1 egg beaten

A little oil for frying



Place the onion into a microwavable bowl along with the butter and cook for two minutes on high power.

Add the mince to the onions before adding the egg and marinade and mix all the ingredients together. Arrange into four large or six small patties.

Heat a little oil in a frying pan and cook on medium for 5-7 minutes on each side. Serve on a brioche bun with toppings of your choice.

Also great cooked on the barbecue! Just make sure they are thoroughly cooked and piping hot.

Recipe Courtesy of Karen’s Spicy Marinade by Crave Marinades.