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Cherry Berry Crumble

A quick and easy crumble recipe for when you need to rustle up a healthy-ish pudding for a crowd. Fill with berries of your choice and serve warm with cream, ice cream or yoghurt.

200g frozen cherries
200g frozen summer fruits
150g plain flour
75g lower-fat spread
30g porridge oats
1 tablespoon demerara or granulated sugar


Preheat the oven to 180C, fan oven 160C, gas mark 4.

Put the frozen cherries and berries into a baking dish (there’s no need to thaw them).

Put the flour into a large mixing bowl and add the lower-fat spread, rubbing it in with your fingertips until the mixture looks like fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the porridge oats and sugar.

Sprinkle the crumble topping evenly over the fruit. Place the dish on a baking tray and bake for 30 to 35 minutes.

Recipe courtesy of NHS.